Call 1-800-986-6856 for 24-7 Tech Support

Slow Computer? Viruses?

You are one call Away ! 24-7 ITech Solutions technician can fix your computer in one Call



24-7 ITech Solutions will take care of all usable product like Microsoft Words, Excel, Notepads, gadgets And Quick Books. Any help related to their setup and installtion you can call us any time.

  • Microsoft Office

    24-7 ITech Solutions fix error occur while setup and installtion of microsoft word. one call can fix your regular problem

  • QuickBooks

    Any management software having error can be fixed by 24-7 ITech Solutions. Accounting software is giving you trouble then call us

  • Apache OpenOffice

    Are you gettin problem in Apache Openoffice there is no need to panic just call our experts to solve your problem

  • Notepad

    Notepad is of different types and may be you having problem in nptepads. so we will fix it up now

What Customer says

Why 24-7 ITech Solutions ?

24-7 ITech Solutions, LLc was created on the principle of a company able to offer multiple facets of support for ITEch; whether it is Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Optimization, Social Media Marketing, company based technical support or individual plan tech support.

  •   Reduce PC Down Time:
    In today's technology driven world - reduction of PC Down Time equates to more revenue for your business, more time with your family and most importantly - ensuring technology is working for you!
  •   24/7 Support :
    We truly are 24/7 - no trips with your PC to the store to have it fixed. We can work for you remotely, all while you are in the comfort of your own home.
  •   Wide Product Support
    Our large team of specialists can accomodate your needs, whatever they might be.
  •   Search Engine Optimization Website Design As a small business owner, we understand what a critical role, website design and search optimization play in today's global world.
  •   24-7 ITech Solutions, LLc
          368 Bay Drive, Itasca, Illionis, 60143
  •   1-800-986-6856 (TOLL FREE)